We have some amazing sponsors and supporters, we want all of our members to know who they are and we urge you to patronize their buisness and tell them thanks for their support for our great cause.


Robert Kroells, NYA

Mike Ihrke, Chaska

John Sr. and Jennifer Gilbertson, Victoria

William Carr, Excelsior

Rick Rogers, Waconia

Tony Kunze, Waconia

Breitbach Family Dentistry, PA - Coon Rapids

John Kunze, Victoria

Jack Hilbert, Waconia

Watertown Rod & Gun Club - Watertown

Pheasant Acres Sportsmans Club

Pheasant Run Sporting Club - Victoria

Brian and Jeri Lyn Bares, Waconia

Paul Nesvold, Watertown

Bradley Bowers, Chaska

City of Hamburg

Herald Journal, Winsted

Red Barn Creative, Angela Lueck

Reeds Sporting Goods

Wings of Watertown

Brian Shmidtz Auctioneers

Locher Brothers/Miller Brewing, Green Isle

Joe Polunc- Framing Images, Cologne

Central Printing, Norwood Young America

American Legion Post #150, Waconia

Hamburg Lion's Club

Hopper's Bar and Grill, Waconia

Loyall Dog food, available at Waconia Farm Supply

Waconia High School Conservation Club

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